Conferences Billable Items Overview

Use the Billable Items option accessed from the Configuration section of the Setup menu to maintain billable items (items that can be billed for conference events). The system will maintain a shared set of billable items between Odyssey HMS and ResCenter.

Conference managers can add new billable items or they can select one or more billable items from a list of billable items defined in Odyssey HMS but not yet linked to Conferences. Billable item names must be unique throughout both systems.

If you delete a billable item in ResCenter that also exists in Odyssey HMS, the system will only remove the record from ResCenter so that it no longer appears in the List of Billable Items grid. Billable items that are in use in ResCenter (Conferences) cannot be deleted. Billable items that are flagged as Conferencing in ResCenter cannot be deleted in Odyssey HMS.