Add a Billable Item

Billable items added in ResCenter are internally flagged as conference billable items and cannot be deleted by Odyssey HMS (the name and description can be modified). Use the following procedure to add a billable item.

1.  Select Billable Items from the Conferences section of the Setup menu.

2.  Click Add in the List of Billable Items grid. A new row is displayed at the bottom of the grid.

3.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Name: Enter a billable item name. The billable item name must be unique throughout both systems (ResCenter and Odyssey HMS). If you attempt to add a billable item with a name that already exists, the following error message will be displayed: Billable Item name already exists in Conferencing or Odyssey HMS.

     Description: Enter a description of the billable item.

     *Asset Group: Select an asset group from the drop-down list. Asset groups are defined in Odyssey HMS. The following groups are predefined and static: Residence, Meal, Equipment, Services, and Other. Additional groups can be added in Odyssey HMS.

     Location Type: Select a location type from the drop-down list. A location type is required for billable items with a Residence asset group (location types do not apply to any other asset group). Location types are defined in Odyssey HMS as facility types. The following types are typical: Site, Building, Floor, Wing, Suite, and Room. Other location types can be defined in Odyssey HMS.

     *Active: Specify whether the billable item is active by selecting Yes or No from the drop-down list. Billable items marked as active are available for lookup on other Conferences pages.

Note: The Odyssey HMS column indicates whether the billable item exists in Odyssey HMS. The read-only In Use column provides information about whether the billable item is used in one or more conference events and is not applicable when you are adding a new billable item.

4.  Click Save. The Billable item successfully added message is displayed.