Search for a Billable Item

Use the following procedure to search for a billable item:

1.  Select Billable Items from the Conferences section of the Setup menu.

2.  Click Show Search Criteria in the List of Billable Items grid. The Search Criteria options are displayed.

3.  Enter search criteria in the fields provided.

     Name: Enter the billable item name. Wildcards (*) can be used anywhere within the name. The value is not case-sensitive.

     Asset Group: Select an asset group from the drop-down list. Asset groups are defined in Odyssey HMS. The following groups are predefined and static: Residence, Meal, Equipment, Services, and Other. Additional groups can be added in Odyssey HMS.

     Location Type: Select a location type from the drop-down list. A location type is required for billable items with a Residence asset group (location types do not apply to any other asset group). Location types are defined in Odyssey HMS. The following types are typical: Site, Building, Floor, Wing, Suite, and Room. Other location types can be defined in Odyssey HMS.

4.  Click Search. The search results are displayed in the Billable Items List grid.

Note: To remove the search criteria, click Clear.