Billable Item Standard Rates List Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Billable Item Standard Rates grid.




Billable item standard rate name. The name must be unique for a given billable item.


Type of rate. Users can choose Fixed, Nightly, or Weekly.


The billable item standard rate amount. This number can be positive for a charge, or negative for a credit or discount

Valid Start

Valid start date for when the rate can be selected for billing. Only those rates that are valid at the event start can be selected for billing purposes.

Valid End

Valid end date of when the rate can be selected for billing. Valid End can be empty which indicates an open-end setting.


Indicates with a Yes or No as to whether the billable item standard rate is active or inactive. Only rates marked as active are available for lookup on other Conference pages.

Default Start

Default start date for when the rate will be available as a default rate. If the Default Start and Default End dates are empty the rate is never default. The Default Start date cannot be before the Valid Start date, and it cannot be empty if the Default End is set.

Default End

Default end date of when the rate will be available as a default rate. The Default End date can be empty, which means the rate is set as default from Default Start date and as long as the rate is valid. Default End date cannot be after the Valid End date. If the Default Start and Default End dates are empty the rate is never default.

In Use

Indicates with Yes or No as to whether the billable item standard rate is in use. A rate in use cannot be deleted. A billable item standard rate is considered in use if it is linked to at least one conference event.



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Click Add to add a new billable item standard rate.


Click Edit to edit billable item standard rate details.


Click Delete to delete a billable item standard rate.