Edit a Billable Item Standard Rate

Use the following procedure to edit a billable item standard rate:

1.  Select Billable Items from the Conferences section of the Setup menu.

2.  Click Rates next to the billable item you want to modify. The Billable Item Standard Rates page appears.

3.  Click Edit next to the desired rate, and edit the information in the fields provided, as necessary:

     *Name: Enter a Standard Rate name. The Standard Rate name must be unique for a given billable item. If you attempt to add a Standard Rate with a name that already exists, the following error message will be displayed:

A Billable Item Standard Rate already exists with the same value for field Name. Please choose a different value.

     *Type: Select a Rate Type from the drop-down list. The following types are predefined and static: Fixed, Nightly, and Weekly.

     *Amount: Enter a Rate Amount. Enter a positive amount for a charge or a negative amount for a credit (discounts). Use the ##.## format, omitting the $ sign.

     *Valid Start: Enter a Valid Start date for when the Rate can be selected for billing. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format.

     Valid End: Enter a Valid End date of when the Rate can be selected for billing. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Note: Only those rates that are valid at the event start can be selected for billing purposes. Valid End can be empty which indicates an open-end setting.

     *Active: Specify whether the Rate is active by checking the checkbox for Yes or leaving the checkbox blank for No. Only Active rates can be selected for billing purposes.

     Default Start: Enter a Default Start date for when the rate will be available as default. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format.

     Default End: Enter a Valid End date of when the rate will be available as default. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Note: The Default Start and Default End dates can be empty, which means the rate is never default. Default Start date cannot be before the Valid Start date, and it cannot be empty if the Default End is set. Default End date can be empty, which means the rate is set as default from Default Start date and as long as the rate is valid. Default End date cannot be after the Valid End date. A billable item cannot have two default standard rates at any point in time. Default dates of any two standard rates cannot overlap.

     In Use: The read-only In Use column displays whether the rate is used in one or more conference events.

Note: A standard rate marked In Use cannot be deleted.

4.  Click Update.