View/Edit Staff Room Inspection Charges

Once charges are added to a Staff Room Inspection, the charges can then be assigned to patrons during the editing process.  After editing, the charges can be approved, and then Financial Transaction charges can be generated for the patrons.

Use the following procedure to view and edit inspection charges from the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

1.  Search for a room inspection in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid.

Note: On the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page, a room inspection will only be displayed in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid if it meets the following criteria: 1) The room inspection contains items defined with a Billable Condition, and 2) Any item with a Billable Condition has a defined value ($0.00 or greater).

2.  Click View Charges next to an inspection.

3.  For any item in the Common Area Items or Items with Billable Conditions grids, click Edit Charge.

4.  In the Patron Occupancy field, select a date that the facility’s residents were assigned to the facility. By default, the Patron Occupancy date will be the same as the Inspection Date.

5.  In the Charged Patrons drop-down menu, select the patron to be charged for the inventory item’s condition. To divide the charges evenly among all of the facility’s patrons, select [Split Charges]. This option is only available if more than one patron is assigned to the facility.

Alternatively, select [No Patrons] to leave the charge defined for the room inspection without it being applied to any patron account. In this scenario, the Approve Charge button will be disabled for the charge.

6.  If necessary, select a different item condition from the Billable Conditions drop-down menu. A different Charge Name can also be selected, if necessary.

7.  If necessary, edit the Amount to be charged for the inventory item’s condition.

8.  Click Save.

Once room inspection charges have been edited, they can be approved, and then FT charges can be generated for the patrons.

Common Area Items Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Common Area Items grid on the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page:



Item Name

The inventory item name

Current Condition

The condition of the inventory item.

Charge Name

The charge name, if available, of the inventory item’s condition.

Charged Patrons

The names of each patron charged for the item.

Charge Approved

If checked, indicates the charge is approved and available to be generated.

Charge Generated

If checked, indicates the charge has already been generated for the item. The charge is recorded in the patron’s FT tab.


The total amount of the charge for the item’s condition.



Approve Charge

Click Approve Charge to make the charge eligible to be generated as an FT charge for the patron(s).

Remove Approval

Click Remove Approval to disable the ability to generate FT charges for the patron(s) based on item conditions.

Edit Charge

Click Edit Charge to make any changes to the inventory item’s condition, charge amount, and charged patrons.

Items with Billable Conditions Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Items with Billable Conditions grid on the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page:



Item Name

The inventory item name

Current Condition

The condition of the inventory item.

Charge Name

The charge name, if available, of the inventory item’s condition.

Charged Patrons

The names of each patron charged for the item.

Charge Approved

If checked, indicates the charge is approved and available to be generated.

Charge Generated

If checked, indicates the charge has already been generated for the item. The charge is recorded in the patron’s FT tab.


The total amount of the charge for the item’s condition.



Approve Charge

Click Approve Charge to make the charge eligible to be generated as an FT charge for the patron(s).

Remove Approval

Click Remove Approval to disable the ability to generate FT charges for the patron(s) based on item conditions.

Edit Charge

Click Edit Charge to make any changes to the inventory item’s condition, charge amount, and charged patrons.