Generate Staff Inspection Charges

After a Staff Room Inspection’s charges are approved, charges can be generated to create an FT charge for the patron(s). For a charge to be successfully generated, it must have at least one patron assigned to it (during the editing process), and the item’s condition must have an associated Condition Transaction Code.

Use the following procedure to generate inspection charges from the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

1.  Search for a room inspection in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid.

Note: On the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page, a room inspection will only be displayed in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid if it meets the following criteria: 1) The room inspection contains items defined with a Billable Condition, and 2) Any item with a Billable Condition has a defined value ($0.00 or greater).

2.  Click Generate Charges next to an inspection. Each item will be listed with the Current Condition, Condition Transaction Code, Charge Name (if available), Charged Patrons, Amount, and Amount Per Patron.

3.  If necessary, select a Term to associate with the charges.

Note: Setting the Term is optional unless the Require Housing Term for Financial Transactions option is enabled in Odyssey HMS (Tools > Institution Settings > General)

4.  ClickGenerate Charges. The Charges generated successfully message will be displayed.

For any patrons with charges generated, the charges will be displayed in the patron’s FT tab in the Patron module. Each charge is posted immediately, by default.

After charges are generated, users can search for patrons based on the charges via the Patron module's Advanced Find function. A search can be performed by using the expression FTJournal.Source = Room Inspection. To view the facility associated with a generated charge, the FTJournal.FacilityFullName column can be added.