Edit an Inventory Item Condition

Use the following procedure to edit an inventory item condition:

1.  Select Room Inspection > Inventory > Inventory Item Conditions from the Setup > Maintenance menu. The Conditions page is displayed.

2.  Click Edit next to the inventory item condition that you want to modify. The row becomes editable.

3.  Enter the appropriate changes in the fields provided.

Note: The read-only In Use column provides information about whether the inventory item condition is used in one or more room inspections.

     *Display Name: Modify the item display name.

     Description: Modify the description of the item condition.

     *Abbreviation: Modify the abbreviation of the item condition.

     *Display Order: Indicate the order in which the list of conditions should display.

     Initial: To make this condition the default selection when a new asset is created, check the Initial check box.

     *Active: Specify whether the item condition is active by selecting Yes or No from the drop-down list.

     *Require Follow Up: Check this check box to specify whether follow up is required on this inventory item condition. For example, an inventory item assigned a Damaged condition would require follow up to verify that the damage had been repaired.

     To add an indication that the condition can be used for billing purposes, check the Billable check box. The Billable setting is not tied to charges via the Financial Transactions module; however, it can be used as a visual indicator that the condition can be used for generating charges during a room inspection.

4.  Click Update. The Inventory item condition successfully updated message is displayed.