Approve Staff Room Inspection Charges

Once charges are added to a Staff Room Inspection, and the charges are assigned to patrons during the editing process, then they can be approved. Approving charges makes them eligible to be generated as an FT charge for the patron(s).

Use the following procedure to approve charges from the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

1.  Search for a room inspection in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid.

Note: On the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page, a room inspection will only be displayed in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid if it meets the following criteria: 1) The room inspection contains items defined with a Billable Condition, and 2) Any item with a Billable Condition has a defined value ($0.00 or greater).

2.  Click View Charges next to an inspection.

3.  For any item in the Common Area Items or Items with Billable Conditions grids, click Approve Charge. The Successfully updated Inspection Item message will be displayed.

Note: If the Approve Charge button is disabled, there are no patrons assigned to the charge. Refer to the View/Edit Staff Room Inspection Charges section to add patrons to the charge.

Once a charge has been approved, it can be reverted, if necessary, by clicking Remove Approval. This function disables the ability to generate an FT charge for the patron(s) until the charge is approved again.

4.  Click Close.

After charges are approved, Financial Transaction charges can be generated for the patrons.