Edit a Staff Room Inspection

Use the following procedure to edit a room inspection from the Staff Room Inspection page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

Note: When you edit a room inspection, you have the option of linking multiple work orders to the room inspection and linking a work order to individual inventory items. You can add and edit work orders from the Staff Room Inspections page. To delete a work order linked to a room inspection or inventory item, refer to Delete a Work Order.

1.  Search for the room inspection that you want to edit and click Select next to the inspection in the grid.

2.  Click Select and modify the field information, as necessary.

     *Inspection date: Enter the date of the inspection.

     *Inspected by: Enter the full name of the person who is performing the room inspection or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate person.

     Comments: Enter any comments regarding the room inspection. By default, the Comments section will use the value saved when the inspection was initially scheduled.

Note: The Due date field is read-only.

3.  To link an image to or remove a linked image from the room inspection, click Link Room Inspection Images.

4.  In the Inventory Items and Space Condition tabs, specify the current condition of each inventory item by selecting the appropriate condition from the Current Condition column.

Note: Depending on the Inventory item condition display style setting in the Maintenance System Parameters|topic=System Parameters (Maintenance), the Current Condition selection will be displayed as a drop-down menu or series of radio buttons.

If a Billable condition is selected, use the drop-down menu in the Charge Name column to select a description or reason that the condition is Billable. If a charge is associated with the Charge Name, it will be displayed in the Amount column.

To edit the charge amount in the Amount column, use the  arrows to increase or decrease the amount. Alternatively, manually enter a new amount, if necessary.

For inspections containing inventory items with associated charges, the charges must be approved via the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page.

5.  If necessary, add a comment about the inventory item in the Staff Comments field.

6.  To link images to or remove images from an inventory item, locate the item and click Link in the Images column.

7.  In the Inventory Items tab, to link work orders to the room inspection, click Add Work Order. Refer to the Add a Work Order|topic=Add a Work Order section for more information. The work order number and status display in the Link Work Orders drop-down list.

To edit a work order linked to the room inspection, select the work order from the Link work orders drop-down list and click Edit Work Order. Refer to the Edit a Work Order|topic=Add a Work Order section for more information.

Note: When you select to link a work order to a room inspection, the Description field on the Add a Work Order page will display blank and you must add a description. When you select to link a work order to an inventory item in a room inspection, the Description field on the Add a Work Order page defaults to the inventory item.

8.  After finishing editing the room inspection information, click Save. The Room Inspection successfully updated message is displayed.