Add a Work Order

Use the following procedure to add a work order from the Work Orders page:

1.  From the Maintenance section of the Facilities menu, select Work Orders and then click Add New Work Order in the Work Orders grid. The Manage Work Order page is displayed.

2.  In the General section, enter the following information:

     *Work Order ID: The identification number is automatically generated or you can enter an ID number. Depending on your System Parameters settings, the identification number will be automatically generated or you will be able to enter an ID number.

     Request date: Enter the date the work order was requested in the MM/DD/YYYY format and enter the time that the work order was requested using the drop-down lists. This field defaults to the current date and time.

     Due date: Enter the date the work order needs be completed in the MM/DD/YYYY format and enter the time that the work order needs to be completed using the drop-down lists.

     Status: Select the appropriate status from the drop-down list. The options are user-defined on the Work Order Statuses page.

     *Type: Select a work order type from the drop-down list. The types are user-defined in the Work Order Type option.

     *Priority: Select a work order priority from the drop-down list. The priorities are user-defined in the Work Order Priority option.

     *Description: Enter a description of the issue.

3.  In the Requester Details section, enter the following information:

     Requested By: Specify whether the work order is being requested by Staff or a Student.

     Requester: If you selected Staff in the Requested by field, enter the full name of the person who created the work order. You can also enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate person.

If you selected Student in the Requested by field, you can look up the student by name using the Find By Last, First option, or you can select Find By ID from the drop-down list. Enter the full or partial ID number, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate ID number.

Note: By default, the Requester field will be auto-populated with the current ResCenter user’s name.

     *Location: Click Lookup to specify a building or a specific room. If you selected Student in the Requested by field, the Location field will default to the student's location (if available).

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

     Notify requestor by email?: Select this check box if you want an email to be sent to the address in the Email to notify? field when the work order status changes.

     Email to notify: If you selected Staff in the Requested by field and selected the Notify requestor by email? check box, the staff email address (if it is on file) will display in this read-only field.

If you selected Student in the Requested by field and selected the Notify requestor by email? check box, enter the appropriate email address in this field. The options are user-defined from the Notify requestor setting on the System Parameters page.

Note: By default, the Email to notify field will be auto-populated with the current ResCenter user’s email address, if available.

     Contact phone number: If you selected Staff in the Requested by field, this read-only field will be populated with the staff member's phone number (if it is on file).

If you selected Student in the Requested by field, enter a contact phone number. Staff will use this number to schedule work and ask work order-related questions.

4.  In the Staff Details section, enter the following information:

     Assigned to: Enter the full name of the person who will be responsible for the work order, or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate person. The work order may be assigned to a person at a later time (for example, after the work order has been reviewed).

     Staff email to notify: If you want a staff member to be notified by email when the status of a work order changes, enter the appropriate email address. This field defaults to the email address specified in the Default staff notify email addresses field on the System Parameters page. The email address of a staff member who is assigned to the work order AND who has an email address specified on the Staff page will be added to this field.

Notes: To add more than one email address, separate the addresses with a comma (,).

     Staff email to notify by location: The email addresses of staff linked to the facility to which the work order is linked will display in this read-only field.

Note: This field will display only if the Notify staff linked to location setting option is enabled on the System Parameters page.

5.  In the Work Details section, enter the following information:

     Completed by: Enter the full name of the person who completed the work order, or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate person.

     Work complete date: Enter the date the work order was completed in the MM/DD/YYYY format and enter the time that the work order was completed using the drop-down lists.

     Estimated cost $: Enter an estimate of the amount it will cost to repair the issue.

     Description of work: Add additional information about the work provided.

6.  In the Additional Details section, enter the following information:

     Comments: Add additional information about the issue.

     Reason for cancel: If the Work Order should be cancelled, enter the cancellation reason.

7.  Click Save. The Work Order successfully added message is displayed.

8.  If necessary, continue by adding an attachment to the work order via the Work Order Attachments grid.