System Parameters (Maintenance)

Use the System Parameters page (accessed via Setup > Maintenance > System Parameters) to define system parameters for the Maintenance module.

Work Orders System Parameters

The following Work Orders system parameters are available for the Maintenance module:

     Work order ID generation rule: Select the appropriate option for how identification numbers will be created.

     Default staff notify email addresses: If you want staff members to be notified by email when a work order status changes, enter the appropriate email address. Separate each email address with a comma (,).

Notification Settings System Parameters

The following Notification Settings system parameters are available for the Maintenance module:

     Notify staff setting: Determine how staff will be notified of status changes and then select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

Send email when status is set to a closed state

Send email any time status changes

Never send email

     Notify requestor setting: Determine how a requestor will receive notification emails and then select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

Send email when status is set to a closed state

Send email any time status changes

     Notify staff linked to location setting: Select this check box if staff linked to a facility for which a work order is created should receive an email notification. This option applies only if a setting other than Never send email is selected for the Notify staff setting option.

     Email subject: Enter the text that will display in the Subject line of the email message that is sent for a closed or changed work order status (depending on the Notify requestor setting and Notify staff linked to location setting field settings above). The [WorkOrderID] parameter is replaced by the ID of the work order when an email is generated.

     Email message: Enter the text that will display in the email message that is sent for a closed or changed work order status (depending on the Notify requestor setting and Notify staff linked to location setting field settings above). The parameters are replaced with the following information when an email is generated:

[WorkOrderID]: The work order ID displays in the body of the message.

[WORKORDERLINK]: A link to the work order displays in the body of the message.

[STATUS]: The status of the work order displays in the body of the email message.

[DESCRIPTION]: The description of the work order displays in the body of the email message.

[FACILITY]: The facility linked to the work order displays in the body of the email message. Otherwise, it will be replaced by “No Facility Specified.”

     Email from address: Enter the email address that displays in the From address of the email that is sent for a closed or changed work order status (depending on the Notify requestor setting and Notify staff linked to location setting field settings above).

     Email format: Select the format of the email message (HTML or TEXT).

Room Inspection System Parameters

The following Notification Settings system parameters are available for the Maintenance module:

     Inventory item condition display style: This setting determines how the condition is set on a room inspection. Select Radio button to display the Current Condition options in Room Inspections as radio buttons. Select Drop down to display the Current Condition options as drop-down lists.

Note: The drop-down control allows for more conditions while the radio button is used for fewer conditions but is easier to set.

     Cutoff days for room inspection statistics: The number you enter in this field indicates the number of days after the inspection's Term end date that completed room inspections will display on the Home page.

     Cutoff days for pending room inspection statistics: Use this field to limit the number of pending room inspections that show on the Home page. The due date of the room inspection should be within the cutoff days so that the room inspection will appear in the Home page statistics. The field default is 30 days.

Note: The number of items that display in the grid in the Staff Room Inspections option might be more than the count listed for pending inspections on the Home page because the grid will show all pending room inspections.

     Number of days allowed for resident to edit room inspection: Enter the number of days after a resident last updated a room inspection that the resident can still  make changes to the room inspection.

     Minimum days before allowing auto-complete of resident room inspection: Enter the minimum number of days before allowing a resident room inspection to be auto-completed. The field default is 10 days.

     Web Patron URL: Enter the URL that will take students to the Resident Room Inspection page where they can perform room inspections.

Resident Room Inspection Report Setting System Parameters

     Resident acknowledgement message: Enter an acknowledgement message to print on the Resident Room Inspection report.

     Print resident signature: Select this check box to include a Resident Signature field on the Resident Room Inspection report.

     Print staff signature: Select this check box to include a Staff Signature field on the Resident Room Inspection report.