Room Inspection Setup Overview

In preparation of scheduling and performing room inspections, you must first define your inventory items, conditions, types, templates, and room inspection definitions, and link your templates to the appropriate locations. The following table lists the required setup tasks in the order in which they should be completed:



1. Define inventory item conditions.

Define the possible conditions that could be assigned to inventory items inspected during a room inspection (for example, Good, Fair, Poor, Damaged, Missing, Retired).

2. Define inventory item types.

Define the inventory item types that will be used to group inventory items (for example, Bedroom, Bathroom).

3. Define inventory items.

Define all of the inventory items that need to be tracked during a room inspection (for example, Bed, Chair, Desk).

4. Define inventory templates.

Define inventory templates to group inventory items. You can define a template for a specific room type. For example, you could create a Single Room inventory template that includes the standard inventory items included in a single bedroom.

You can also define the templates for items of a specific inventory type so that the entire set of items from such templates could be added at the same time to a room type template (for example, you could create a Kitchen and a Bathroom inventory template and reuse them when creating an apartment template).

You can specify whether the template is for a common area (for example, a template containing shared items in a two-bedroom suite) or a specific area (for example, a laundry room or an area assigned to a resident).

5. Link inventory templates to locations.

Link the inventory templates that you defined to each location that will require a room inspection. If a location does not need to be inspected, it does not need to be linked to an inventory template.

6. Define room inspection definitions.

Define the set of rules for a staff and resident room inspection.

7. Schedule room inspections.

Schedule room inspections. The scheduled room inspections will be displayed on the Staff Room Inspections page accessed via the Facilities module.

Once you have completed these tasks, your system will be set up to perform room inspections.

Note: After following the steps above, if room inspections do not display on the Staff Room Inspections page, make sure that you have linked inventory templates to the appropriate locations with the proper dates, and verify that you have scheduled the room inspections for the term or location.