Link an Inventory Template to a Location

Staff can use the Link Template to Location Wizard to link an inventory template to a location from the Location tab and from the Inventory Template tab. Use the following procedure to link an inventory template to a location:

1.  Select Room Inspection > Inventory > Link Inventory Template to Location from the Setup > Maintenance menu. The Link Inventory Template to Location page is displayed.

2.  From the List of Location grid on the Location tab or the Inventory Template tab, click Add. The Step 1 of 3 Select an Inventory Template window is displayed. Specify options in the fields provided.

     *Select a template: Select a template from the drop-down list.

     Select a term or specify a date range: Select a term from the drop-down list, or specify a date range for the link. Terms are sorted by the start date of the term in descending order (most recent term first).

You might consider leaving the end date blank when you link an inventory template to a location so that the template will be good for an unspecified amount of time. If, for example, the items in a room change and you link a new template to the location with a start date after the current template's start date, the system will automatically set an end date for the previous template. The previous template will remain valid until the start date of the new template.

3.  Click Next>. The Step 2 of 3 Select Location window is displayed. Specify options in the fields provided.

     Select a location: Click Lookup and select a location

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

     Child facilities to location: Select this check box if you want to associate the template of inventory items to all child facilities for the selected location, including the selected facility. However, it will be limited to facilities that match the facility and room type values specified in the following fields. If the check box is cleared, the template will only apply to the selected facility.

     Select a facility type: Select a facility type from the drop-down list, which will restrict the selection of facilities to the specified facility type if Child facilities to location is selected.

     Select a room type: Select a room type from the drop-down list, which will restrict the selection of facilities to the specified room type, if Child facilities to location is selected.

4.  Click Next>. The Step 3 of 3 Process the Link window displays the list of facilities selected based on the location and restrictions. If a template is already associated to any of the facilities, the name and effective date range display as well. Review the list carefully before you complete the wizard.

5.  Select the Overwrite links check box to overwrite inventory templates already linked to the facilities you specified.

6.  Click Finish. The List of Location grid is updated with the newly added link.