Add an Inventory Item

Use the following procedure to add an inventory item:

1.  Select Room Inspection > Inventory > Inventory Items from the Setup > Maintenance menu. The Inventory Items page is displayed.

2.  Click Add. A new row is displayed at the bottom of the grid.

3.  Enter information in the fields provided.

Note: The read-only In Use column provides information about whether the inventory item is used in one or more inventory templates and is not applicable when you are adding a new item.

     *Display Name: Enter an item display name (for example, Bed Frame).

     Default Type: If necessary, select a default type from the drop-down list (for example, Bedroom). The default inventory item type is the default category for the inventory item. The type can be changed when defining an inventory list template linking the inventory item to the template.

Note: The same item can be used for different inventory types without having to define the item for each inventory type. For example, Floor can be defined once with a default inventory type of Room, but can be added to a template more than once, allowing the user to change the type to other inventory types, such as Bathroom and Kitchen.

     *Active: Check the Active check box to make the inventory item active. An active inventory item can be added to an inventory template

4.  Click Save. The Inventory item successfully added message is displayed and a new row is automatically displayed, allowing you to add another item. Add a new item or click Cancel if you are done adding items.