Add a Room Inspection Definition

Use the following procedure to add a room inspection definition from the Room Inspection Definitions|topic=Room Inspection Definitions Overview page accessed from the Setup menu:

1.  From the Room Inspection Definition List grid, click Add. Below the Room Inspection Definition List grid, the Room Inspection Definition Details section becomes available for editing.

2.  Enter general definition information in the fields provided.

     *Location: Click the Location link and select the definition location from the location tree. If necessary, change the date and click Submit. To select a location, click on the location name. The Location field will populate with the selected location.

     *Start date: Select a start date from the drop-down calendar menu.

3.  Enter Staff Inspection information in the fields provided.

     *Inventory conditions: Select a value from the drop-down list. Options are:

[Same as Previous]: Select this option to use the condition assigned to the item for the previous inspection. Items without a previous condition will have a blank condition.

[None]: Select this option if you do not want inspection items to include a default condition; the condition will be blank.

Select any of the defined conditions in the drop-down list to be the default condition for the initial room inspection condition.

     *if no previous inspection: In the event that there was no previous inspection, select any of the defined conditions in the drop-down list to be the default condition for the initial room inspection condition, or select [None].

     Comments: Select [Same as Previous] to retain the previous inspection comments, or select [Blank] to make the comments section blank by default.

     Images: Select [Same as Previous] to retain the previous inspection images, or select [Blank] to make the images section blank by default.

4.  Enter Resident Inspection information in the fields provided.

     Move-in/Move-out: To add a move-in or Move-out parameter to the definition, select the appropriate checkbox. Similarly, a Change room move-in/move-out checkbox can be selected if a resident is changing a room during a term.

     For each checkbox selected, complete the following fields:

Inspect __ days: Indicates how many days before or after a move-in or move-out day that the space should be inspected. Enter a value for the appropriate number of days.

Before/After: For either a Move-in day or a Move-out day, select whether the inspection should occur Before or After that day.

Dedicated staff inspection required: Select this checkbox if a staff member should perform an inspection before a resident inspection is performed.

5.  If necessary, select the checkbox for Do not schedule move-in/out resident room inspection if returning to the same room within __ days: Select this check box if the student is assigned to be in the same place within the number of days specified. The resident room inspection definition will not include a scheduled inspection for the move-out or the move-in upon student return.

6.  Click Save. The Room Inspection Definition successfully added message is displayed.