General Overview

Edit a Ranked Assignment Batch

Use the following procedure to add an assignment batch from the General tab of the Automatic Assignment page:

1.  Select Automatic Assignment from the Assignment section of the Patron menu. The List of Assignment Batches grid is displayed in the Search tab on the Automatic Assignment page.

2.  Click Add.

3.  Complete the following fields:

     Name: Enter a name for the assignment batch.

     Term: Select a term from the drop-down menu.

Alternatively, the Term field can be left blank and Occupancy Start and Occupancy End dates can be entered instead.

     Occupancy Start: Use the date and time controls to select a start time for the assignment. The date will be auto-filled when the Term is selected.

     Occupancy End: Use the date and time controls to select an end time for the assignment. The date will be auto-filled when the Term is selected.

     Is Ranked Assignment Batch: Check the Is Ranked Assignment Batch checkbox to create an assignment batch that assigns patrons to facilities based on their ranking of a list of buildings. Refer to the Ranked Assignments Overview section for more information.

4.  If necessary, enter any Notes about the batch.

5.  If necessary, edit the Assignment Batch Options. Refer to the Edit Options for an Assignment Batch section for more information.

6.  Click Save.

7.  After editing any Assignment Batch Options, continue by adding Candidates to the ranked assignment batch.