Automatic Assignment Overview

The purpose of the Automatic Assignments page is to allow administrators to perform assignments for multiple students quickly and with the best possible facility matches. For a user to have access to the Automatic Assignment function, the user’s role must have the View permission enabled for the AutomaticAssignment module via Setup > Security > Roles > (select role) > List of Role Permissions.

When placing patrons in facilities, staff can create an assignment to assign a patron to a facility. When a facility is selected for the assignment, ResCenter verifies the rules defined for the facility (such as gender matching). Once the facility is selected, ResCenter creates a contact item for the assignment and begins tracking availability and other statistics.

Because assignments are a type of contract item, they follow the same rules and conventions as other types of contract items.

When assigning a patron, administrators may assign the patron manually, with assistance, or using the Automatic Assignment function. Assigning a patron manually requires searching for a facility. Assigning a patron with assistance uses configurations in the Automatic Assignment module to create the best match available for each patron. However, before assigning a patron using Automatic Assignments, specific configurations must first be defined.

In the Assignments section of the Patron menu, administrators can select the Automatic Assignment option. On the Automatic Assignment page, the General tab will display a list of all assignment batches. Once a batch is selected, the following tabs are available:




