Candidates Overview

There are two methods of selecting candidates for an assignment batch:

     Adding candidates from an ID list

     Adding candidates using Advanced Find

When adding candidates from an ID list, the ID list must be in XML format. Use Advanced to create ID lists in XML format.

Administrators can create candidate lists to control who is assigned through the batch. For example, if an institution does not want to assign freshmen to a particular hall, freshmen should not be included in the batch’s candidate list.

The following rules apply when selecting candidates:

     A patron can’t have an actual assignment (and associated contract item) during the assignment batch’s date range.

     If the batch is linked to a term, a patron must be active in the same term.  

     Patrons can’t have Suspend All Processing enabled.

After adding candidates to the batch, administrators may change the candidate processing order. For example, candidates can be processed by their application date. Administrators can use three patron attributes, or two patron attributes plus the Lottery attribute for re-ordering. For more information about ordering patrons by lottery values, refer to the Adjust the Assignment Batch’s Candidate Processing Order section. If a patron does not have a value for one of the attributes used in the order, the patron is placed at the end of the processing list.