Suspend All Processing for a Patron

The Suspend All Processing option allows an administrator to set a patron’s record to an inactive state. The patron’s information will be retained in ResCenter but the patron will not be included in any processing (such as batch functions, financial transactions, or automatic assignments). Users may not assign, open a new contract for, or change a contract item for a patron with the Suspend All Processing option enabled.

The Suspend All Processing option does not block a user’s ability to update Attributes or basic patron bio information. However, if a patron’s account has the option enabled, the patron cannot be marked as Active for the current term.

Use the following procedure to suspend all processing for a patron:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for the patron .

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Next to the patron’s profile photo, click View More Information.

4.  Click Edit.

5.  Select the Suspend All Processing checkbox.

6.  Click Save.