Edit Options for an Assignment Batch

Below the assignment batch’s general options on the General tab, the batch’s advanced options are displayed. Edit the following settings, as necessary:

1.  Select an Assign By method. This setting controls how assignments are generated. The following options are available:

     Order of Candidates List: This option generates assignments based on the order of candidates in the candidate list. Use this option if the assignment’s main objective is to assign requested roommates together.

     Order of Facilities List: This option generates assignments based on the order of facilities in the batch facility list. The facility order is not governed by the appearance of facilities in the facility tree. Use this option if the assignment’s main objective is to spread assignments across facilities.

     Load Balancing Facilities: This option generates assignments based on the values in the Load Balance Amount column in the Facilities tab. Use this option if the assignment’s main objective is to spread assignments across facilities by the load balance numbers entered. Using load balancing may override other settings (such as a lottery setting and application date ranking).

2.  Enter a rank value for the Minimum Facility Rank, Minimum Roommate Rank, and “Ghost” Roommate Rank:

     Minimum Facility Rank: Facility assignment criterion are compared to this value and must be at least this score to match. If your assignment batch does not include facility criteria, set this rank to 0 (zero). For more information about ranks, refer to the How Rankings Are Used For Assignments section.

     Minimum Roommate Rank: Roommate assignment criterion are compared to this value and must be at least this score to match. For more information about ranks, refer to the How Rankings Are Used For Assignments section.

     “Ghost” Roommate Rank: If a “Ghost” Roommate Rank value is entered, it is possible to assign patrons to empty rooms. This score simulates a roommate already assigned to the room. For more information about ranks, refer to the How Rankings Are Used For Assignments section.

3.  Enable or disable the Assign Each Candidate When… options. This section controls how far ResCenter will search before assigning a candidate

     Best Location Found: This option may provide better earlier assignments but later assignments may not be as good.

     “Good Enough” Location Found: This option may provide better matches overall.

Facility Rank: Adjust the Facility Rank for the “Good Enough” assignment search.

Roommate Rank: Adjust the Roommate Rank for the “Good Enough” assignment search.

4.  Enable or disable the Use Patron Rank, Use Overflow, and Use For Assisted Assignment options:

     Use Patron Rank: Select this option to assign patrons using the ranking they assigned to each of their preferences. For more information about ranks, refer to the How Rankings Are Used For Assignments section.

     Use Overflow: Select this option to use overflow spaces defined for your facilities.

     Use For Assisted Assignment: Select this option to use the assignment batch definition for an assistant assignment. Refer to the Add Assignment with Assistance section for more information.

5.  Enable or disable the Requested Roommate Options. Requested roommate groups are assigned at the assignment-limit level facility first. If no facilities with ample open space are available at this level, then a second pass attempts to assign the group under the same roommate-level facility. The following Requested Roommate options are available:

     Assign Requested Roommates Above All Criteria Except Restrictions: This option assigns mutually requested roommates except if there are criteria with a rank of Cannot Occur that prevent the assignment. The preference must be in the list of batch criteria; it is recommended to set the Minimum Roommate Rank to 0 (zero). If the Assign Requested Roommates Above all Criteria Except Restrictions option is not used, then the requested roommates preferences is treated like all other criteria—by rank.

     Assign Requested Roommate Groups First: This option assigns larger groups of requested roommates first, then smaller groups, and then individuals. Checking this option means that Candidate A, who appears late in the candidate list, may be assigned ahead of Candidate B, who is at the start of the list, if 1) Candidate B is not part of a requested roommate group, or 2) Candidate B’s requested roommate group is smaller than requested roommate A’s group. If both Candidate A’s and B’s  group size is the same, then Candidate B will be assigned first as long as no restrictions prevent the assignment.

     Only Assign Requested Roommate Only Candidates as a Requested Roommate: If this option is checked, candidates are assigned only if they can be assigned with a requested roommate who is on the candidate list. If the option is unchecked, requested roommate candidates are assigned with a requested roommate, if possible. If this is not possible, they are assigned as a normal candidate once all normal candidates are assigned. This option only effectively applies well to the Order of Candidate List assignment order option.

Note: Requested roommates are only considered if they are in the candidate list or already assigned under a facility chosen for this run.

6.  If necessary, enter any notes in the Notes section.

7.  Click Update.