Check In an Attendee

You can only check in attendees on their expected arrival date and only if they have not already been checked in. If an attendee is arriving on a day other than the expected arrival date, you must change the expected arrival date in order to process the check-in, keeping in mind that the room the attendee is assigned to must be available for the new arrival date. If the room is not available, you must also change the room assignment. Use the following procedure to check in a conference attendee:

1.  Select Check-In from the Conferences menu. The Check-In page is displayed.

2.  In the Event field, select the event for which the attendee is checking in from the drop-down list. The list includes only current or future events, ordered by event start date.

3.  Select an option for identifying the attendee from the Attendee drop-down list (Find By Last, First, Find By ID, Find By Alternate ID). The list is limited to those attendees who are linked to the selected event. Enter all or partial search information in the text field and click Lookup. If the results include multiple attendees, select the appropriate attendee name from the pop-up window. Event information for the attendee is displayed, including a photo of the attendee, if one is available.

The fields that display in the Other Information section are dependent on the option selected in the Other information attribute group field in the Conferences System Parameters option. If an option is not selected, the Other Information section will not be displayed.

Note: The following message will be displayed when an attendee with a suspended account is selected for check-in: No processing is allowed on this account. The account is suspended.

If an attendee has a note flagged as an alert, the alert will be displayed at the top of the page. If the alert is long, only the first line will be displayed followed by a Show More link that will expand the alert to its full length.

4.  You can change the check-in time by selecting a time from the Check-in date time drop-down fields. If the time is earlier than the expected start time, the system will attempt to reserve the room for the new check-in time and check in the attendee. If the facility is not available for the new check-in time, a Facility not available for attendee to check-in at this time message will be displayed.

5.  If necessary, click the Edit button to change the attendee's assignment dates (for example, if the attendee needs to check in early or late) or other attendee information. The Attendee page is displayed.

6.  If necessary, click the View Account button to view or edit the attendee’s account information. From the Attendee Account, you can view a list of billable items, add or edit payments, and print or email a bill for the attendee. When finished with the Attendee Account page, use your browser’s Back button or click Cancel to return to the Check In page.

Note: The View Account button is only enabled if the attendee is part of an event group that bills attendees individually for “per attendee” or “per assignment” charge items. The Bill attendees individually option must be enabled when adding or editing the Attendee Group.

7.  Click Check-In. The Check-In processed successfully message is displayed.

Note: The Check-In button will be disabled if the current date does not match the expected start date.

Updated System Attributes

After you check in an attendee, the following attributes are updated

     The Checked In/Out core attribute is set to Checked In.

     In Odyssey HMS, the checked in date and time are displayed on the Contract Items tab in the Patron module.

     Contract Actual Start/End Date is set to the current date and time.

     You cannot check in an attendee who has already been checked in (the Check-In button will be disabled).