Edit an Attendee Payment

Use the following procedure to edit an attendee payment:

1.  Select Events from the Conferences menu. The Events page is displayed. Click Select next to the event for which you want to print an Attendee Bill.

2.  In the Attendee Groups tab, click Select next to the desired Attendee Group.

3.  In the Attendees grid, click Account next to the desired attendee. The Attendee Account screen will appear

4.  In the List of Payments grid, click Edit next to the desired payment, and complete the following fields:

     Date: Edit the date the payment was made. This field defaults to the current date.

     Payment Method: Select a payment method used for the payment. (To configure the Payment Method list items, refer to the Payment Methods section for more information.)

     Amount: Edit the dollar amount of the payment in ##.## format.

     Note: If necessary, add or edit a note pertaining to the payment in the text box.

5.  Click Save.