System Parameters (Conferences)

Use the System Parameters page (accessed via Setup > Conferences > System Parameters) to define system parameters for the Conferences module.

Attendees System Parameters

The following Attendees system parameters are available for the Conferences module:

     Alert under age attendee: When this check box is selected, the underage attendee is highlighted in red on the Assignment page and Attendee grid or displays an alert message on the Attendee pages.

     Under age limit (years): If the Alert under age attendee check box is selected, enter the “under age” limit (for example, 18). The age of the attendee is determined based on the first day of the event.

     Other information attribute group: Select an attribute group from the drop-down list. This is additional information that you want to capture on attendees and is an attribute group defined in Odyssey HMS.

     Contact information address type: Select a contact information address type from the drop-down list (for example, Billing Address). The address type selected will be used to store attendee address information.

     Automatically generate Attendee ID: Select this check box to automatically generate attendee IDs. For a new patron, the system will generate a unique ID (patron ID number) using the prefix specified in the Attendee ID prefix field and the ID length defined in Odyssey HMS.

     Attendee ID prefix: You can optionally enter an attendee ID prefix. The prefix value is appended to the automatically generated ID. This field applies to auto-generated IDs.

Billing Email Parameters

The following Billing email system parameters are available for the Conferences module:

     Email from address: Enter the email address that displays in the From address of the email that is sent with the event bill, attendee group bill, or attendee bill.

     Email format: Select the format of the email message (HTML or TEXT).

Event Email System Parameters

The following Event email system parameters are available for the Conferences module:

     Email subject: Enter the text that will display in the Subject line of the email message that is sent with an event-level bill. The [EventName] parameter is replaced by the name of the event when an email is generated.

     Email message: Enter the text that will display in the email message that is sent with an event-level bill. The parameters are replaced with the following information when an email is generated:

[ContactFirstName]: The event contact’s first name displays in the body of the message.

[ContactLastName]: The event contact’s last name displays in the body of the email message.

[EventName]: The event name displays in the body of the email message.

[EventStartDate]: The event start date displays in the body of the email message.

[EventEndDate]: The event end date displays in the body of the email message.

Attendee Group Email System Parameters

The following Attendee Group email system parameters are available for the Conferences module:

     Email subject: Enter the text that will display in the Subject line of the email message that is sent with an attendee group bill. The [EventName] parameter is replaced by the name of the event when an email is generated.

     Email message: Enter the text that will display in the email message that is sent with an attendee group bill. The parameters are replaced with the following information when an email is generated:

[ContactFirstName]: The attendee group contact’s first name displays in the body of the message.

[ContactLastName]: The attendee group contact’s last name displays in the body of the email message.

[EventName]: The event name displays in the body of the email message.

[EventStartDate]: The event start date displays in the body of the email message.

[EventEndDate]: The event end date displays in the body of the email message.

[AttendeeGroupName]: The attendee group name displays in the body of the email message.

[AtendeeGroupStartDate]: The attendee group start date displays in the body of the email message.

[AttendeeGroupEndDate]: The attendee group end date displays in the body of the email message.

Attendee Email System Parameters

The following Attendee email system parameters are available for the Conferences module:

     Email subject: Enter the text that will display in the Subject line of the email message that is sent with an attendee bill. The [EventName] parameter is replaced by the name of the event when an email is generated.

     Email message: Enter the text that will display in the email message that is sent with an attendee bill. The parameters are replaced with the following information when an email is generated:

[AttendeeFirstName]: The attendee’s first name displays in the body of the message.

[AttendeeLastName]: The attendee’s last name displays in the body of the email message.

[EventName]: The event name displays in the body of the email message.

[EventStartDate]: The event start date displays in the body of the email message.

[EventEndDate]: The event end date displays in the body of the email message.