Add a New Assignment

Note: Adding a new patron assignment via the Patron > Contracts tab is an identical process to manually adding an assignment via Patron > Add Assignment > New Assignment. Refer to the Manual Assignment Options and Add a New Assignment sections in the Manual Assignment Overview section for more information on adding a new manual assignment.

Manual Assignments allow an administrator to create an individual facility assignment for a patron. When selecting a facility for the assignment, ResCenter creates a contract item for the assignment and tracks availability and occupant information.

When assigning a patron, the assignment can be completed manually (via the Add New Assignment option) or with assistance (via the Add Assisted Assignment option). Assigning a patron manually requires searching for a facility. Assigning a patron with assistance uses the batch configurations used in Automatic Assignments to help make the best match. However, assigning a patron with assistance can only be completed with an automatic assignment batch defined for that purpose.

Use the following procedure to add a new patron contract via a new assignment:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Contracts tab. The List of Patron Contracts grid displays all contracts associated with the patron.

4.  From the List of Patron Contracts grid, click Add, and select Add New Assignment. The New Assignment page is displayed.

5.  Complete the assignment fields, as necessary. Refer to the Manual Assignment Options and Add a New Assignment sections in the Manual Assignment Overview section for more information on adding a new manual assignment.