Manual Assignment Options

When assigning a patron manually, the following options are available:

     Occupancy Start Date: The Occupancy Start Date indicates the assignment’s expected start date and corresponds to the contract item Expected Start date.

     Occupancy End Date: The Occupancy End Date indicates the assignment’s expected end date and corresponds to the contract item Expected End date.

     Use Term Dates: Selecting a term from the Use Term Dates drop-down menu automatically sets the Occupancy Start Date and Occupancy End Date to the selected term’s date range.

     State: Select either Preliminary or Active.

The Preliminary state is an initial state and is used to indicate a contract item that has not been committed to yet. The Preliminary state counts against asset, asset type, and facility usage. For example, an assignment in the Preliminary state will mark the space as occupied.

The Active state represents a contract that has been committed to. The active state counts against asset, asset type, and facility usage.

     Replace Overlapping Assignments: Select this check box to replace any overlapping assignments with the new assignment.

     Use Overflow Spaces If Needed: Select this check box to use overflow spaces (if any are defined for the facility). Refer to the Facilities section for more information about overflow limits.

     Label/Name: If necessary, specify a label or name for the assignment.

     Match Patron Gender: If necessary, select this check box to match the patron gender for this assignment.

     Asset Type: If necessary, select an asset type from the drop-down menu, and click the Search button. Any facilities matching the asset type will be displayed in the Facility By Asset Type Lookup Results section.