Add a New Assignment

Notes: Adding a new patron assignment via Patron > Add Assignment > New Assignment is an identical process to manually adding an assignment via the Patron > Contracts tab.

Room Changes and Space Swaps are also performed in the Patron > Contracts tab.

Use the following procedure to manually create a new patron assignment:

1.  Select Add Assignment > New Assignment from the Assignments section of the Patron menu. The New Assignment page is displayed.

2.  In the Patron Search field, perform a search for and select the patron to be assigned.

3.  Complete the assignment fields, as necessary. Refer to the Manual Assignment Options section for information about each field.

4.  Select an Asset Type from the drop-down menu, and click the Search button. Any facilities matching the asset type will be displayed in the Facility By Asset Type Lookup Results section. Click a facility to select it.

Alternatively, in the facility tree, select the facility to assign the patron. If necessary, click the Refresh button to update the facility tree if the Occupancy Start Date, Occupancy End Date, or Term Dates are changed.

Note:  A red facility indicates there is an alert set for the facility. A bolded facility indicates that the facility gender matches the patron’s gender or the facility does not have a gender defined. If it isn’t defined, the Mixed Gender Assignments setting in Odyssey HMS is used (Tools > Institution Settings > Contracts). If Allow is selected, the facility will allow mixed genders. If Warn is selected, a warning will be displayed when saving an assignment with mixed genders, but the assignment will be allowed. If Prevent is displayed, an error message will be displayed when attempting to save the assignment.

5.  When a facility is selected, the patron’s and facility’s attribute information is displayed in the Attributes tab. If necessary, scroll through the Patron Attributes grid to view attributes of the candidate and any other patrons already assigned to the room. Users can also scroll through the Facility grid to view attributes for the facility.

6.  If a facility is selected and there are individual rooms under it, the Link to Space drop-down menu will display any of the facility’s spaces assigned the “space” asset type. Select a space using the drop-down menu.

7.  The following facility tabs are available:

     Attributes Tab

     Occupants Tab

     View Alert Tab

     Grace Periods Tab

     Contract Properties Tab

     Charge Schedules Tab

Select any tab to view or configure information for the selected assignment facility.

8.  Once the assignment information is complete, click Save to assign the patron to the facility.