Assignment with Assistance Options

The New Assignment with Assistance option uses the Automatic Assignment batch configurations to help with assigning a patron. Before using this option, assisted assignment configurations must be defined in the Automatic Assignments module.

Additionally, an assignment batch must be designated for assisted assignment purposes for it to be available for use. When configuring an automatic assignment batch, the Use for Assisted Assignment option must be enabled.

When assigning a patron with assistance, the following options are available:

     Select By Housing Term: Selecting a term from the drop-down menu automatically sets the Occupancy Start Date and Occupancy End Date to the selected term’s date range.

     Occupancy Start Date: The Occupancy Start Date indicates the assignment’s expected start date and corresponds to the contract item Expected Start date.

     Occupancy End Date: The Occupancy End Date indicates the assignment’s expected end date and corresponds to the contract item Expected End date.

     # of Top Assignments: Enter a value to display the best matches, limited by this number, based on the Automatic Assignment configuration.

     Use Overflow If Needed: Check this option to use overflow spaces (if any are defined for the facility). Refer to the Facilities section for more information about overflow limits.

     Retain Scores for Assigned Location: Check this option to keep the scores for the assignment. This option is useful to review the assignment and its scores, if needed.