Perform a Room Change

A patron’s room assignment can be changed, if necessary, along with any charge or proration schedules associated with the new assignment. In addition to changing a patron’s assignment to a room with an available space, a user can enable the patron to swap rooms with another patron.

Changing a patron’s room assignment references the Minimum Assignment Length setting in Odyssey HMS (Tools > Institution Settings > Contracts). When using the Change Room option to change a patron's assignment to a different facility and with different dates, the ResCenter checks the amount of time remaining from the old assignment. If the remainder of the old assignment does not meet the Minimum Assignment Length setting (in days), the remainder of the old assignment will be deleted. If the remainder of the old assignment does meet the Minimum Assignment Length, the remainder of the old assignment will be cancelled.

If the Prorate Automatically setting in Odyssey HMS (Tools > Institution Settings > Contracts) is enabled, and default proration schedules are defined, ResCenter will automatically calculate prorated charges for the room change. Prorated charges are displayed and can be configured after the new or old contract is selected in the Proration for [patron name] section.

Note: After a room change occurs, the old contract’s End Time will be updated to 1 minute before the time of the defined Change On Date/Time value. By default, the Change On Date/Time value is set to the institution’s Default Contract Start Time value, if defined in Odyssey HMS (Tools > Institution Settings… > Contracts). If this setting is not defined, ResCenter will use the current date and time if it is within the date range of the contract. If the current date/time is before the start of the contract's date range, the contract’s Start Date and time will be used, by default, as the Change On date value.

Use the following procedure to perform a room change for a patron:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Contracts tab. The List of Patron Contracts grid displays all contracts associated with the patron.

4.  Click Edit on the desired contract, and select Change Room.

5.  Enter or select the Change On date that the room change will begin. If a term is selected from the Use Term Dates drop-down menu, the Change On date will default to term’s beginning date.

6.  To set a Grace Period relative to the Start and End dates, enter the number of Before Move In and After Move Out hours. A grace period allows for an overlap in assignments and is useful for door access into a facility.

7.  If the assignment to be changed was previously bought out using the Buy Out Room function, it can be reversed, if necessary. Check the Reverse Buyout check box to reverse the previous Buy Out by resetting the Assignment Limit and Asset Type to the original settings before the Buy Out occurred. If the check box is unchecked, the old room will retain all Buy Out settings.

8.  If necessary, check any of the following options:

     Swap With Selected Occupant - This option allows the patron to swap rooms with an occupant in the patron’s new room.

     Match Patron Gender - This option matches the patron gender for this assignment. When enabled, the facilities in the Facility By Asset Type Lookup Results list will match the patron’s gender. This option is checked by default. To search for facilities regardless of gender, uncheck this option.

     Use Overflow Spaces If Needed - This option will use overflow spaces (if any are defined for the facility). Refer to the Facilities section for more information about overflow limits.

9.  Enter a Facility Name and/or select an Asset Type from the drop-down menu, and click the Search button. Any facilities matching the search criteria will be displayed in the Facility By Asset Type Lookup Results section. Click a facility to select it.

Alternatively, in the facility tree, select the facility to assign the patron. If necessary, click the Refresh button to update the facility tree if the Change On or Use Term Dates are changed.

Note:  A red facility indicates there is an alert set for the facility. A bolded facility indicates that the facility gender matches the patron’s gender or the facility does not have a gender defined. If it isn’t defined, the Mixed Gender Assignments setting in Odyssey HMS is used (Tools > Institution Settings > Contracts). If Allow is selected, the facility will allow mixed genders. If Warn is selected, a warning will be displayed when saving an assignment with mixed genders, but the assignment will be allowed. If Prevent is displayed, an error message will be displayed when attempting to save the assignment.

10. The following facility tabs are available:

     Attributes Tab

     Occupants Tab

     View Alert Tab

     Charge Schedules Tab

Select any tab to view or configure information for the selected assignment facility.

11. If the Swap With Selected Occupant option is enabled, a Choose Occupant to Swap With grid will be displayed. Selecting an occupant in the grid displays proration options for both the patron and occupant in the Patron Contracts and Occupant Contracts grids.

12. If the selected location has linked spaces, use the Select New Space for [patron name] and Select New Space for [occupant name] drop-down menus to select spaces.

13. In the Proration for [patron name] section, the Patron Contracts grid displays the old and new contracts associated with the room change. If necessary, click a contract and configure proration for the contract.

If necessary, check the Flag as Room Change check box. When checked, each contract’s Change Room (Move In) or Change Room (Move Out) check box will be checked to indicate the contract was created as a result of a room change.

To copy each charge schedule and generated charge from the old contract and also assign them to the new contract, check the Transfer Generated Charges and Charge Schedules from Old Contract to New Contract check box. The Transfer Generated Charges and Charge Schedules from Old Contract to New Contract check box is only available if, for a room swap, both patron contracts contain the same asset type.

To prevent proration (if necessary), select Do Not Prorate in the Proration Type drop-down menu.

For Manual Proration, the following options are available:

     Calculate Amount For and To: The dates to use to calculate the prorated charges.

     Amount per Period: The amount per period to use when calculating charges.

     Period Type: The period type for the calculation. There are four types available in the proration calculator:

Per Day/Night: Use this period type to calculate by the day or night (depending on the Charge Method). The type takes into account any holiday nights you have defined.

Per Week: Use this period type to calculate by the week. This type ignores holidays.

Per Hour: Use this period type to calculate by the hour. This type ignores holidays.

Specific # of Days: Use this period type to calculate by the number of days you enter. This type also ignores holidays.

     Make Remaining Charge: If all charge schedule charges have not been generated for the contract item, this field will display the remaining charges. This option can be selected to allow the system to generate all remaining charges and then apply the prorated credit.

     Transaction Amount: Displays the calculated proration amount. Edit the value, as necessary.

     Post Date: Select the date to post the prorated charges.

     Transaction Code: Select the transaction code for the transaction.

     Memo: If necessary, enter any notes about the transaction.

14. If swapping a room with another occupant, repeat step 13 for the selected contract in the Occupant Contracts grid in the Proration for [occupant name] section.

15. Once the assignment information is complete, click Save to complete the room change and assign the patron to the new facility.