Occupants Tab

The Occupants tab displays occupancy information for the selected facility. To view occupancy information for an entire institution, select a top-level facility before selecting the Occupants tab.

Use the following procedure to view occupants in a facility from the Occupants tab:

1.  In the Show Details menus, select the date range of the occupant information to be displayed. If necessary, first select a Term to auto-fill the date range. By default, the date range will default to the Occupancy Start Date and Occupancy End Date range selected when beginning the new assignment process.

Note: The Term drop-down menu is only used to select a date range that corresponds with the term. Users are not limited to only viewing occupant information by term dates.

2.  To include occupants in overflow spaces, check the Show Overflow Spaces check box.

3.  Click View. The Facility Occupants list will be displayed. For each facility, the following information is available:

     Facility name

     Number of Open Spaces

     Number of Occupants

4.  To see a list of occupants for any facility entry, click Show Occupants. The List of Occupants section table will be displayed. For each occupant, the following information is available:

     Contract Number

     Contract Status

     Patron Name

     Patron ID

     In Room From (occupancy start date)

     In Room To (occupancy end date)

To view the contract details for a patron, click View Contract next to the patron entry. To see more details or make changes to the contract, click Go to Contracts. The patron’s Contracts tab, in the Patron module, will be displayed.

Note: Clicking Go to Contracts will erase any progress made in the New Assignment process.

To view the patron’s attributes, click Go To Patron Attributes. The patron’s Attributes tab, in the Patron module, will be displayed.

Note: Clicking Go To Patron Attributes will erase any progress made in the New Assignment process.

5.  When finished viewing occupants, click Close.