Attributes Overview

Patron attributes are used to describe and track information about patrons. Attributes may change over time, reflecting a patron’s history at an institution. (For example, if a patron is a student, the patron’s class status will change over a few years.) Attributes are also used in the room assignment process, when selecting patrons for data reports, and when finding patrons in Advanced Find or InfoWizard in the Odyssey HMS UI.

User access to patrons can be restricted by individual patron attributes by configuring a user role’s access for the Patron.PatronAttribute permission (Setup > Security > Roles > (select role) > Select). Refer to the Edit a Role section for more information about editing user role permissions.

Note: Attributes are configured via Setup > Global > Attributes.

Staff can perform the following procedures from the Attributes tab on the Patron page accessed via the Patron menu:

     Add a Patron Attribute

     Delete a Patron Attribute

     Edit a Patron Attribute