View Switch Lottery Results

Use the following procedure to view switch lottery results from the Results tab of the Switch Lottery page:

1.  Select Switch Lottery from the Assignment section of the Patron menu. The List of Switch Lottery Batches grid is displayed in the Search tab of the Switch Lottery page.

2.  If necessary, search for an assignment batch.

3.  Click Select on the desired switch lottery batch, and then select the Results tab.

On the Results tab, the Candidates grid, Results Summary grid, and Candidates Rank Breakdown charts are displayed. The Candidates Rank Breakdown charts display the percentage of patrons and how many patrons of each gender were assigned to one of their top facility choices. Clicking on a category will enable or disable the category to display in the chart.

4.  In the patron Building Summary grid, the list of assigned patrons is organized by facility. Clicking on a facility displays each patron assigned to the facility as well as the Matched Criteria used for the assignment.

5.  If necessary, adjust the number of records displayed per page in either the Candidates grid or Results Summary grid by clicking Alter Page Size. Enter the number of rows to display in the Page Size field and click Save.

6.  If the proposed assignments look correct, proceed to apply the switch lottery results.