Results Summary Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Results Summary grid under the Results tab on the Switch Lottery page.

Results Summary





Name of the building or building level made available for the switch lottery batch.

Assignment Maximum Limit

Number of spaces available in the facility level.

Number Proposed Assignments

Number of candidates proposed for assignment within the facility level.

Number Available

Number of spaces still available within the facility level after the assignments have been proposed.

Percent Available

Percentage of spaces still available within the facility level after assignments have been proposed.

Female Spaces Available

Number of female spaces still available within the facility level after the assignments have been proposed.

Male Spaces Available

Number of male spaces still available within the facility level after the assignments have been proposed.

Other Gender Spaces Available

Number of any additional gender (non-female and non-male) spaces still available within the facility level after the assignments have been proposed.