Apply Switch Lottery Results

Once a batch of switch lottery assignments is applied, contracts for each patron are created. However, typically, contracts are made for the building or floor level only (if that is how the batch was configured). Once a patron is assigned to the building or floor, he or she can be assigned a room according to the institution’s room assigning procedure. Once the room is assigned, a staff member can modify the patron’s contract for the selected room.

Use the following procedure to apply switch lottery results from the Results tab of the Switch Lottery page:

1.  Select Switch Lottery from the Assignment section of the Patron menu. The List of Switch Lottery Batches grid is displayed in the Search tab of the Switch Lottery page.

2.  If necessary, search for an assignment batch.

3.  Click Select on the desired switch lottery batch, and then select the Switch Lottery tab.

4.  After viewing the assignment results, the proposed assignments can be completed by clicking the Apply Assignments link.

5.  Once assignments are applied, the Assign State for each patron in the Candidate Results grid will changed to Assigned.

6.  If necessary, the results can be cleared (removing the proposed assignments) or reversed (reverting assignments to a proposed state).