View a Room Inspection Batch

Use the following procedure to view an inspection batch from the Schedule Staff Room Inspections page accessed from the Setup menu:

1.  From the Scheduled Inspection Batches List grid, click View Inspections next to the inspection batch to view. The Staff Room Inspections page displays the inspection batch listed in the All/Completed/Pending Room Inspection List grid.

Note: The name and display settings of the grid is dependent upon the Display Options configurable in the Search Criteria.

The grid is filtered by the Batch ID of the inspection batch (selected from the Scheduled Inspection Batches List grid).

2.  From the Staff Room Inspections page, can perform the following actions:

     Search for a Staff Room Inspection

     Perform a Staff Room Inspection

     Edit a Staff Room Inspection

     Delete a Staff Room Inspection

     Export Staff Room Inspections

     Link Room Inspection Images