Search for a Staff Room Inspection

By default, all staff room inspections are displayed. Use the following procedure to search for a specific room inspection from the Staff Room Inspection page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

1.  Click Show Search Criteria in the grid to display the Search Criteria options.

2.  Enter search criteria in the fields provided.

     Location: Click Lookup to select a location

     Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

     Assigned to: Enter the full name of the person the room inspection was assigned to or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate person.

The ResCenter user to which the inspection is assigned is the staff user associated with the room inspection’s facility (via Setup > Security > Staff > Select > List of Staff Facilities).

     Batch ID: Enter the ID number of the batch room inspection. The Batch ID is assigned when the batch room inspection is created.

     Date Range: Select either Effective Date, Due Date, or Inspection Date. Select From and To dates from the drop-down calendars.

3.  Select a display option.

     Show All Inspections: Select this option to show all room inspections—completed and pending. The All Room Inspection List grid will display when you click View.

     Show Completed Inspections: Select this option to show only completed room inspections. The Completed Room Inspection List grid will display when you click View.

     Show Pending Inspections: Select this option to show only pending room inspections. The Pending Room Inspection List grid will display when you click View.

4.  Select the Show only inspections that require follow up check box if you only want to display those room inspections that require follow up due to at least one inventory item with a condition marked for follow up (for example, Damaged).

5.  Click Search. The room inspections that match your search criteria display in the grid.

Note: To remove the search criteria, click Clear.

6.  If necessary, click Filter Options and select Enable Filter. Use the following guidelines to filter the Pending Room Inspection List grid:

Search Filter Configuration

     In any column with a search filter field, enter a value and click the filter menu to select a parameter.

     For columns with drop-down menu filters, select an option from the menu.

     Each time a column is filtered, the Pending Room Inspection List grid will be automatically updated.

Column Configuration

     To add or remove grid columns, right-click the column heading, and select the Columns option. Check any columns to add them to the grid, or uncheck any columns to remove them from the grid.

     To add all columns to the grid, select Add All. To remove all columns from the grid, click Remove All.

     To restore the default columns, click Restore Default.

     The Pending Room Inspection List grid will only be filtered by columns that are visible.

Column Sorting

     To sort a column, click the column heading to sort the data in descending order.

     Clicking the column heading again will sort the data in ascending order.

     Clicking the column a third time will remove the sorting configuration.

     Removing the column and adding it again will restore the column sorting to its default, non-sorted state.

Save a Search Filter

After configuring search filters for the Pending Room Inspection List grid, a set of filters can be saved. Only one set of filters can be saved at one time.  Saving a search filter will overwrite the previously saved filter.

To save a search filter, click Filter Options and select Save Filter.

Note: Saved search filters are per ResCenter user. Saving a search filter does not save column sorting. Column sorting is retained across session per ResCenter user.

Load a Search Filter

A saved search filter can be loaded to filter the Pending Room Inspection List grid.

The load button loads the previously saved filter. When the filter is loaded, only filters for the columns that are currently displayed will be loaded. Loading a filter does not overwrite the saved filter.

To load a search filter, click Filter Options and select Load Filter.

Note: Loading a search filter does not alter column sorting. Column sorting is retained across session per ResCenter user.