View Advanced Find Search Results

After clicking Run to process an Advanced Find, the results are displayed on the Results page. From the Results page, the following options are available:

Alter Advanced Find Results Display

The search results table can be altered by clicking Alter Display|topic=Altering Grid Displays.

Add columns to the grid by selecting a column title from the Available list and adding it to the Selected list. The list can be filtered by category using the Filter drop-down menu.

The column order can be configured by selecting a column name from the Selected list and clicking Move Up or Move Down.

Click OK to display the updated results list.

Note: If adding any columns from the Facility category, the Advanced Find search results will only display patrons with a contract for a facility. To include a Facility-related column and still view all patrons from the Advance Find search, only add columns from the FacilityAll filter category.

View a Patron’s Profile

To view a patron’s profile, click View Patron next to the desired patron.

After viewing the patron’s profile, clicking the Return to Advanced Find link at the top of the page will re-display the search results.

View a Patron’s Facility

To view a patron’s facility, click View Facility next to the desired patron.

After viewing the facility, clicking the Advanced Find button redisplays the Advanced Find’s search Results page.

Print Advanced Find Search Results

To print the results of the Advanced Find search, click Print. The browser’s print dialog will be displayed.

Export Advanced Find Search Results

To export the results of the Advanced Find search, click the Export button to display the following options:

     Click Export to ID List to save the results as an .xml file. ID Lists can be used to import patrons into other parts of ResCenter, such as patron Assignments.

     Click Export to CSV to save the results as a CSV text, with each field separated by a comma. This file is viewable in a spreadsheet program or a text editor.

     Click Export to Excel to save the results as a Microsoft Excel file.

     Click Export to Word to save the results as a Microsoft Word file.

     Click Export to PDF to save the results as an Adobe PDF file.

     Click Export with Email to email a copy of the exported Advanced Find results in any of the export file formats. Multiple email addresses can be entered and separated by a semi-colon (;). The Export with Email option also prompts the user to save a copy of the file, if desired.

Note: No confirmation message is displayed after the file is emailed. CBORD recommends users include their own email address to receive a copy of the email as a confirmation.

To send an email, ResCenter requires the SMTP Configuration section to be complete in Setup > Web > System Parameters.

Display Pictures for Advanced Find Search Results

To display the profile picture of each patron listed in the results grid, click the Show Pictures check box. For each patron, a thumbnail profile picture will be displayed in the Picture column. When exporting Advanced Find results, however, ID List and CSV files will not include pictures.

Note: To view patron profile pictures in the Advanced Find search results, a user must have at least View access to the Patron.PatronPicture User Role.