Use Advanced Find to Find Facilities

Use the following procedure to search for facilities from the Facility Advanced Find page:

1.  From the Facilities section of the Facilities menu, select Advanced Find - Facilities. The Find Criteria page is displayed.

2.  Complete an Advanced Find search by configuring the following settings:

Construct a Find Expression

1.  In the Field section, click the Lookup link to display fields for selection.

2.  Select a field category from the Show fields for column. The Fields column will display all available fields for the selected category. See the Fields and Field Categories section for more information.

3.  Select the desired field from the Fields column and click OK.

4.  Select an operator from the Operator drop-down menu. See the Operators section for more information.

5.  In the Comparison Item section, select either Value or Field. Enter a value or click the Lookup link. For more information on comparing two field values (by selecting the Field option), refer to the Using Advanced Find to Compare Field Values section.

6.  Select all desired values form the Select Value pop-up window. Click OK.

7.  When the expression is complete, click Add to add the expression to the Expression window.

8.  To add another expression, repeat steps 1-7.

9.  If necessary, modify an expression or configure how multiple expressions are grouped via the options to the right of the Expression window. See the Filters section for more information on how expressions can be grouped.

10. To restrict the Advanced Find filtering to only patrons assigned to a specific facility, click the Lookup link and select the facility from the Facility Tree.

Note: It is not possible to filter a Facility Advanced Find search by ID List.

Select the Search Dates

1.  Select a Term from the drop-down menu. The From, To, and Display Values On dates will automatically update to match the selected term.

Alternatively, enter specific dates in the From and To fields, or use the calendar pop-up menus to select dates.

2.  To display values for one specific date, enter the date in the Display values on field, or use the calendar pop-up menu to the select date.

The Display values on option allows you to indicate the date and time to display attribute and preference values. The Display values on date may be any date, including a date outside the Find date range. The date does not affect what records are found, only the values that are displayed in the find results for attribute and preference columns.

For example: For open-ended (forever) attribute values, if the user sets the Display values on date to the end date of the search, the find results will display each attribute’s last value for each patron in the results.

Note: If a term is selected, the Display values on date defaults to the term’s date. However, the Display values on date can be changed.

The Display values on date does not affect all non-attribute fields, such as Patron.Last_Name, or the Patron.Assigned field which is always calculated (Yes/No) from the find date range.

3.  Select a Use date option:

     Fixed dates – When the saved find is loaded, the find will use the dates saved with the find.

     Relative dates – When the saved find is loaded, the saved search dates are adjusted relative to the current date, allowing the user to configure Finds for set periods.

For example: If a find is saved on 6/26/2021 at 2:00 PM, and it has a search range of 6/16/2021 at 2:00 PM to 6/26/2021 at 2:00 PM, then loading this saved find on 8/26/2021 at 4:00 PM will set the start and end dates to 8/16/2021 at 4:00 PM to 8/26/2021 at 4:00 PM.

     Selected dates – When the saved find is loaded, it will use the dates in the From and To boxes that were in place before the saved find was loaded.

Configure the Display Settings

1.  In the Display Settings section, enter the Max items to return in the available field. The number of Advanced Find results will be limited by this value.

2.  Click the Columns button to configure the display layout of the Advanced Find results. The Choose Column to Display displays.

Note: For each Advanced Find, the Selected Columns window will contain Patron.First Name, Patron.ID Number, and Patron.Last Name, by default. These columns can be removed.

3.  From the Filter drop-down menu, select a field category. The Available window will display all corresponding columns that can be included in the Advanced Find results.

4.  Select the desired column and click Add to move the column to Selected list.

Note: To add more than one column at once, hold down the Ctrl key and select the desired columns. Alternatively, hold down the Shift key to select a range of consecutive columns. To add all columns, click the Add All link.

If necessary, remove any unwanted columns by selecting them from the Selected list and clicking the Remove link. To remove all columns from the Selected list, click Remove All.

To restore the Selected window to its default state, click Reset.

5.  To change the order of the columns, select a column from the Selected list and click the Move Up or Move Down link.

6.  From the Sort by drop-down menu, select a column by which to sort the Advanced Find results. Columns will be available in the drop-down menu if they were added to the Selected Columns window.

7.  The column data will display in ascending order. To display data in descending order, uncheck the Ascending checkbox.

8.  When all columns are selected, click OK.

9.  When the Advanced Find parameters are set, either click Save to save the expression parameters, or click Run to view the Advanced Find results.