Save a Facility Find Expression

Users can save a complete Advanced Find search expression. Saving an expression saves all the find expressions, the date range, and changes to the display columns in the results window. This information can also be modified if the expression is loaded from the Saved Searches.

Note: If a user loads a previously saved Advanced Find expression and then saves it again, the original expression will be overwritten.

Use the following procedure to save a patron Advance Find expression:

1.  After constructing a find expression but before clicking Run (to see the search results), click the Save link.

2.  Enter a name for the find expression in the Name field.

3.  Enter a description for the find expression in the Description field.

4.  To save the find expression to a specific category, select the Category filter from the drop-down menu. If no category filter is selected, the expression will be saved to the [General] category, by default.

5.  Click OK.