Fields and Field Categories

Fields are placeholders for data in the database. Within Advanced Find, fields are grouped by field categories. Field names also include the field’s category name. For instance, a facility’s name is stored in the Facility.Name field (field category = Facility and field = Name). A patron’s last name is stored in the Patron.Last Name field (field category = Patron and field = Last Name).

The following tables lists the categories and fields found in patron Advanced Find.

Field Category


Contact Mgt

Use the fields in this category to select patrons based on contact management information.


Use the fields in this category to select patrons using contract-specific attributes such as contract start and end dates, charge code, and deposit code.

Emergency Contact

Use the fields in this category to select patrons using their emergency contact information.


Use the fields in this category to select patrons using core and site-defined facility attributes for a patron's assigned facility. Only attributes that are set to Show in the Setup module are displayed. See the FacilityAll category for more options. It is not possible to combine fields from the Facility and FacilityAll categories in a search.

Special Field: Facility.Open_Spaces_Roommate - Returns the number of open spaces for a facility based on the facility’s Roommate_Level facility. 

Facility Address

Use the fields in this category to retrieve the address information for a patron's assigned facility. This may be useful when finding or exporting information for assignment letters.

Facility All

Use the fields in this category instead of those in the Facility category to build a logical OR search.  For example, a user can find patrons assigned to a facility or that have a particular attribute value. It is not possible to combine fields from the FacilityAll and Facility categories in your search.

Special Field: Facility.Open_Spaces_Roommate - Returns the number of open spaces for a facility based on the facility’s Roommate_Level facility.

Facility Parent

Use the fields in this category to select facility types above where the patron is assigned. Using this category also allows users to select multiple patron-assigned facilities in your find.


Use the fields in this category to find Odyssey family members or hosts.

Special Fields: Family.Age_Relative - Returns the computed age of a family member calculated by subtracting the family member’s birth date from the display date.

FT Account

Use the fields in this category to select patrons based on their financial transaction accounts.

FT Journal

Use the fields in this category to retrieve patrons based on  financial transaction detail.

Judicial Incident

Use the fields in this category to find judicial incidents.

Judicial Patron Incident

Use the fields in this category to find patrons by their incident details.

Special Field: JudicialPatronIncident.Has_Incident - Use this Yes/No field to find patrons who have incidents.

Special Field: JudicialPatronIncident.Has_Sanction - Use this Yes/No field to find patrons who have sanctions.

Special Field: JudicialPatronIncident.Has_Violation - Use this Yes/No field to find patrons who have violations.

Judicial Patron Incident Event

Use the fields in this category to find patrons by the events associated with their judicial incident.

Judicial Patron Sanction

Use the fields in this category to find patrons with judicial sanctions.

Judicial Patron Violation

Use the fields in this category to find patrons with judicial violations.


Use the fields in this category to select patrons by core and site-defined patron attributes. Only attributes that are set to Show in the Setup module are displayed.

Special Field: Patron.Age_Relative - Returns the computed age of a patron calculated by subtracting the patron’s birth date from the display date.

Special Field: Patron.Assigned - Use this field to find patrons who are either assigned or not assigned using the field’s Yes/No value.

Special Field: Patron.PCS_Plan_ID and Patron.PCS_Plan_Name - These fields are only relevant if Odyssey PCS is also installed.  If so, using these fields will allow users to find patrons who are assigned to particular PCS meal plans.

Patron Access List

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their access to MyResCenter Web’s room selection function.

Patron Address

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their address types.

Patron Application

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their application types.

Patron Attachments

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their profile attachments information.

Patron Note 

Use the fields in this category to select patrons using patron note fields such as note date and type.


Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their preferences.

Proxy/Agent Activity

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their general proxy or agent activity.

Proxy/Agent Activity Application

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their proxy or agent activity related to applications.

Proxy/Agent Activity Contract

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their general proxy or agent activity related to contracts.

Proxy/ Designation

Use the fields in this category to select patrons by their proxy designation information.


Use the fields in this category to find ResCenter family members or hosts.


Use the fields in this category to select patrons based on their roommate's information including the roommate's name and address.


Use the fields in this category to find suitemates.


Use the fields in this category to select patrons by the term name.


Use the fields in this category to find patrons who are on a waiting list.