Search for a Work Order

Use the following procedure to search for a specific work order:

1.  From the Maintenance section of the Facilities menu, select Work Orders. The Work Orders page is displayed.

2.  Enter search criteria in the fields provided.

     Work Order ID: Enter the complete or partial ID number.

     Location: Click Lookup to select a building or a specific room.

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

     Status: Select the appropriate status from the drop-down list. The options are user-defined from the Work Order Statuses page.

     Type: Select the appropriate work order type from the drop-down list. The options are user-defined in the Work Order Type option.

     Priority: Select the appropriate work order priority from the drop-down list. The options are user-defined in the Work Order Priority option.

     Request date: Enter a date range the work orders were requested using the MM/DD/YYYY format.

     Due date: Enter a date range the work orders will be due using the MM/DD/YYYY format.

     Work complete date: Enter a date range that the work orders were completed (actual date) using the MM/DD/YYYY format.

     Requested by: Select Staff or Student and then enter the full name of the user who created the work order or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, and click Lookup. Select the appropriate person from the list that displays.

If you select Student in the Requested by field, in addition to the Find By Last, First option you can select Find By ID from the drop-down list. Enter the full or partial ID number, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate ID number.

     Assigned to: Enter the full name of the user the work order was assigned to or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, and click Lookup. Select the appropriate person.

     Completed By: Enter any part of the name of the user who completed the work order, and click Lookup. Then select the appropriate person.

Note: If viewing a work order after performing a search using the Requested by, Assigned to, or Completed by fields, these fields will be auto-populated with information from the work after when performing a new search.

3.  Click Search. The search results display in the Work Orders grid. By default, work orders are displayed by the request date in descending order.

Note: To remove the search criteria, click Clear.

4.  Use the following guidelines to filter the Work Orders grid:

Column Configuration

     To add or remove grid columns, right-click the column heading, and select the Columns option. Check any columns to add them to the grid, or uncheck any columns to remove them from the grid.

     To add all columns to the grid, select Add All. To remove all columns from the grid, click Remove All.

     To move a column, click and hold the column header and drag the column to a new place in the grid.

     To restore the default columns, click Restore Default.

     The Work Orders grid will only be filtered by columns that are visible.

     The last configured column state is retained per ResCenter user.

Column Sorting

     To sort a column, click the column heading to sort the data in descending order.

     Clicking the column heading again will sort the data in ascending order.

     Clicking the column a third time will remove the sorting configuration.

     Removing the column and adding it again will restore the column sorting to its default, non-sorted state.

     The last sorted column state is retained per ResCenter user.