Work Order Priorities Grid

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Work Order Priorities grid in the Work Order Priority option:



*Display Name

Display name assigned to the work order priority (for example, Urgent). The display name will appear in the Priority drop-down list in the Work Orders option.


Description of the work order priority (for example, Handle Immediately).


Indicates with a Yes or No as to whether the work order priority is active.


Ranks the importance of the work order priority against the existing priorities (for example, 1 for Urgent, 2 for High, 3 for Medium, 4 for Low).

*Display Order

Indicates the order in which the work order priorities will display in the Priority drop-down list in the Work Orders option.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.


Click Add to add a work order priority.


Click Edit next to a work order priority to make changes.


Click Delete next to a work order priority to delete it.