Export Assignment Results

After an Automatic Assignment batch has been run, the results can be exported to a .csv file. The file can then be opened via Microsoft Excel or a similar spreadsheet software.

Use the following procedure to export assignment results to a .csv file from the Results tab of the Automatic Assignment page:

1.  Select Automatic Assignment from the Assignment section of the Patron menu. The List of Assignment Batches grid is displayed in the Search tab on the Automatic Assignment page.

2.  If necessary, search for an assignment batch.

3.  Click Select on the desired assignment batch, and then select the Results tab. The Assignment Results statistics and patron Results list is displayed on the left side of the page.

The assignment’s Criteria, Failed Assignments (if available), Preferences, and Candidate Results grids is displayed on the right side of the page. Refer to the Results Grid Overview for more information about these grids.

4.  Click Export CSV. The assignment batch results will be exported to a .csv file available for download.