Compare Facility Rooms

The Room Comparison function allows an administrator to compare two facilities side-by-side. A user can select two facilities and the date range of the data to compare. After configuring the comparison criteria, clicking View Comparison will display data for each facility in three categories: General Information, Facility Attributes, and Occupants.

Note: The Room Comparison function should not be accessed on a mobile device. A large amount of information is displayed for each facility. The information may not be formatted correctly on a small screen and will be difficult to view.

Use the following procedure to compare two rooms from the Facilities page:

1.  From the Facilities section of the Facilities menu, select Manage Facilities.

2.  Click Room Comparison. The Room Comparison pop-up window will be displayed.

3.  In the Facility One and Facility Two fields, click Lookup to display the Facility Tree. For each field, select a facility.

Alternatively, enter all or part of the facility name in the Facility Lookup field. Each facility level should be separated by a space (such as Building1 Floor3 Room312, for example). Click Lookup to see a list of facilities matching the entered facility name.

4.  Select the Date Range of the facilities to compare. If necessary, first select a Term to auto-fill the date range.

Note: The Term drop-down menu is only used to select a date range that corresponds with the term. Users are not limited to only comparing facilities by term dates.

5.  Click View Comparison.

6.  On the results page, each room’s General Information, Facility Attributes, and Occupancy Summary is displayed.

General Information

When comparing rooms in the General Information section, the following information is available:

     Facility Name

     Facility ID

     Asset Type

     Max Legal Occupancy

     Facility Type

     Assignment Limit

The Facility Name, Facility ID, and Max Legal Occupancy values can be edited by clicking Edit.

Facility Attributes

In the Facility Attributes section, each facility’s attribute calendar is displayed. From here, attributes can be added, edited, and deleted just like in the Attributes tab for a facility. Refer to the Attributes Overview section for more information about configuring the facility attributes calendar.


In the Occupants section, each facility’s List of Occupants is displayed. For each occupant, the following information is available:

     Contract Number

     Contract Status

     Patron Name

     Patron ID

     In Room From (occupancy start date)

     In Room To (occupancy end date)

To view the attributes calendar for a patron, click Show Attributes. From here, attributes can be added, edited, and deleted just like in the Attributes tab for a patron. Refer to the Attributes Overview section for more information about configuring the patron attributes calendar.

To view the patron’s profile, click Go To Patron. The patron’s profile, in the Patron module, will be displayed. To return to room comparison, click the Return to Room Comparison link at the top of the page.