Attributes Overview

Facility attributes are used to describe and track information about facilities. Attribute values may change over time, reflecting a facility’s history at an institution. Attribute values can also be changed for a future date.

For example: Future attribute values can be used for room assignments. Attributes are used in the room assignment process, when selecting patrons and facilities to print on reports, and when finding facilities in Advanced Find.

Facility attribute values are displayed in the Facilities module’s main screen and Attribute tab.  The main screen displays core attributes.  The Attributes tab displays custom attributes defined at an institution.

Note: Attributes are defined in Odyssey HMS. Refer to the Odyssey HMS Help for more information on defining attributes.

Staff can perform the following procedures from the Attributes tab on the Facilities page accessed via the Facilities menu:

     Add a Facility Attribute

     Edit a Facility Attribute

     Delete a Facility Attribute