Send a Conversation Message to a Patron

Use the following procedure to send a message to a patron in the Conversations function:

1.  Select Conversations from the Communications section of the Patron menu. The Conversations page is displayed.

2.  Search for and select a patron.

Alternatively, scroll through the list of previous Conversations (under the Search Patrons field) and select a Conversation message thread.

3.  In the Type Your Message field at the bottom of the current message window, enter a message for the patron.

4.  Hit <ENTER> or click the Send to send the message.

On a mobile device, tap Send to send the message.

After Sending a Conversation Message

After a few seconds, the message will be displayed in the current message window (middle pane). The date and time the message was sent will be displayed under the message.

The message preview will be added to the top of the previous messages window (left pane).