Send a Communication Message by Email

Use the following procedure to send a communication message to a patron from the Communications tab:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Communications tab.

4.  In the Communication Items grid, click Add and select Send Communication. The Outgoing Communication page is displayed.

5.  In the Message Template drop-down menu, select a message template, and click Load. Templates are configured via the Message Templates page.

The template’s pre-configured text and formatting will be displayed in the Template Content section. When a template is loaded, some patron information (such as first name or ID number) may be auto-filled based on the template’s tokens. If the patron does not have a defined value for a token, a blank space will be entered in place of the token.

6.  In the Template Content section, use the formatting controls to edit the template message, if necessary.

7.  If necessary, click Preview to view how the Message Template, in its current state, will be displayed to patrons.

8.  Click Send by Email.

9.  Enter the patron’s email address in the Patron Email field. If there is an email address associated with the patron’s record, it will be automatically entered.

If necessary, enter any email addresses in the CC and BCC fields. Addresses should be separated by a comma.

Note: If the communication message cannot be sent to the patron, the CC and BCC recipients will also not receive the message.

10. If necessary, assign one or more Address Types to receive a copy of the Communication Message email by checking any of the To, CC, or BCC fields for an Address Type. This function allows the patron to receive the email at an additional email address if one is defined for an included Address Type. This function can also be used to send a copy of the Communication Message to a person associated with the patron—such as a parent or guardian—if that person’s email address is defined for one of the patron’s Address Types.

a.  In the Address Types section, click Edit next to an address.

a.  Check the box for each email field, as necessary.

b.  Click Update.

Note: Only Address Types with associated email addresses will be displayed in the Address Types section. Email addresses are defined by Address Type via the patron Addresses tab.

11. Click Send. The Email sent successfully message is displayed.

12. After the message process is completed, a record of the message will be displayed in the patron’s Communications tab. It will be defined as an Email in the Communication column.

A record will also be recorded in the Transaction Log. When viewing the Transaction Log grid, the TransLog.Transaction_Type column indicates the action taken during the communication process, and the TransLog.Value column includes the outcome or more details about the action.