Search for an Unscheduled Staff Inspection

Use the following procedure to search for a specific room inspection from the Unscheduled Staff Inspection page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

1.  Click Show Search Criteria in the grid to display the Search Criteria options.

2.  Enter search criteria in the fields provided.

     Trigger date: Select From and to dates from the drop-down calendars. By default, the Trigger date range will span from one week before the current date to one week after the current date.

     Location: Click Lookup to select a location.

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

     Resident: Enter the full name of the resident, or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate resident.

Note: Either the Location field or Resident field must have a value entered for search results to appear. Searching by just the Trigger date will not produce search results.

3.  Click Search. The inspections triggered by occupancy changes that match your search criteria display in the grid.

Note: To remove the search criteria, click Clear.