Search for a Location

Use the following procedure to search for a location from the Location tab on the Link Inventory Template to Location page.

1.  Select Room Inspection > Inventory > Link Inventory Template to Location from the Setup > Maintenance menu. The Link Inventory Template to Location page is displayed.

2.  From the List of Location grid on the Location tab, click Show Search Criteria. The search criteria fields are displayed.

3.  Select the appropriate term from the Term drop-down list at the top of the page, or enter a date range in the Date range fields. Terms are sorted by the start date of the term in descending order (most recent term first).

Note: If a location is linked to multiple templates within the date range specified in the Date range and to fields, multiple rows will display on the List of Location grid.

4.  Click the Lookup button in the Location field and select the appropriate location from the list.

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

5.  Select one or more facility type check boxes from the Facility type list to narrow your search results.

6.  Click Search. The locations matching your search criteria display in the List of Location grid.

Note: To remove the search criteria, click Clear.