Room Selection

Use the Room Selection page (accessed via Setup > Web > Room Selection) to create and edit Room Selection definitions for patrons.

The Room Selection process allows a patron, using the GET mobile app, to view rooms available in a defined set of facilities and then select a room for an upcoming Term. Patron access to the available rooms is determined via an access list and defined set of patron criteria. An Access List determines when patrons may use the Room Selection process. A user can configure the Access List to stagger patron access to prevent too many patrons attempting to use the function at once. Staggered Access lists can also be ordered based on several options.

Note: For ResCenter users to have access to the Room Selection page, they must have access to the Administration.Term User Roles Permission. Refer to the Security Setup section for information about configuring User Roles.

Room Selection Implementation for Institutions

A Room Selection definition is always associated with a Term. When creating the definition, a user can either select a Term or an Application. If an Application is selected, the definition’s Term is based on the Term associated with the Application. Selecting an Application also allows configuring a staggered and ordered Access List according to when patrons submit their Application.

Applications can be used to gather necessary information about a patron. For example: To allow certain patrons to view and select rooms at an Honors-only facility, they must first fill out an Application so that the facility can be available during a Room Selection process.

When configuring a Room Selection definition, a user can select specific Facility and/or Patron attributes to be displayed with each room. Patrons can also filter the list of available rooms by these attributes.

GET Mobile App Dashboard

In the Housing Dashboard section of the GET mobile app, patrons will see a list of available Terms. After selecting a Term, any Room Selection definitions they have been assigned (via the defined Access List) will be displayed for that Term.

A Room Selection definition will include the access Start Time and End Time to indicate when the patron can use the function. If the Room Selection is currently available to use, it will be labeled as Active. If there is an Application associated with the Room Selection, patrons will have access to view it.

Clicking on the Room Selection definition will display the list of available rooms. Each available room will be listed along with the defined Facility and/or Patron attribute values to define each room. If necessary, the list of available rooms can be refined by selecting the Filter option and selecting specific attribute values.

If a patron attempts to access a Room Selection definition before it is available, a message will be displayed to indicate the Start Time and End Time for the patron’s scheduled access. If a patron attempts to access a Room Selection after the access time has ended, a similar message will be displayed to indicate the Room Selection is no longer accessible.